Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Santa Horror

I like to take my camera with me everywhere I go. I'm obsessed with taking pictures, but too lazy to learn how to take them well. For every 500 pictures, I may end up with 10 really good shots. But I know my motivation isn't good art, it's just an obsession with recording my life. This Santa pic sums up my whole day. A day running around in the big box stores, feeling a bit guilty wasting money on the garish Christmas decorations I promised my kids and then I spotted "HIM". "HE" was there - the life size dancing, singing Santa that's been frightening toddlers in malls and big chain stores for about 5 years now. After taking this picture and battling my way through rows of glitter and plastic, I decided to go for a walk and just look at things I couldn't own or fill my house with: trees, dirt, a crow. I took another 50 pictures, all bad of course, but I did feel cleansed of everything that big, fake SC represents.

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